City of Duncanville Comprehensive Plan
Welcome! In the fall of 2024, the City of Duncanville commenced the process of updating its comprehensive plan. A comprehensive plan is a document that will guide future decision-making on land use, capital investments, economic development, community building, and more in the city over the next 20 years.
The City's prior comprehensive plan was adopted in 2017. Now almost 8 years old, it is time for an update to ensure the City's plan is reflective of the current conditions and needs of the community.
This webpage will be the center for all information relating to the planning process including project updates, opportunities for public engagement, and draft plan elements.

Take the Community Survey Here
January 17, 2025
Community engagement is vital to creating a comprehensive plan, and the City has developed a community survey as one way for the public to get involved in the planning process. Take the community survey here! Survey participants will have the chance to win 1 of 10 $50 gift cards to various local stores and restaurants in Duncanville.
December 4, 2024
The first public workshop for the City’s comprehensive planning process took place on Monday, December 2nd, 2024 at the Duncanville Fieldhouse. Participants shared feedback on their thoughts for the future of Duncanville and opportunities to improve the city. We invite anyone who wasn’t able to attend in person to complete the workshop exercises online through Wednesday, December 18th, 2024. Click here to access the workshop materials. Please email your responses to emma.falkenstein@mrbgroup.com.
November 15, 2024
The City is pleased to announce the launch of the comprehensive plan website (https://duncanvillecompplan.com), which will house a wide range of information on the plan, including draft reports, meeting notes, and announcements of upcoming events. To kick off the public engagement strategy, the steering committee is developing a communitywide survey, and a survey targeting high school seniors to gather input on community priorities for the planning process. More information about the surveys will be available soon. In the meantime, mark your calendars for the first public workshop for the planning process set to be held on December 2nd from 6p to 8p at the Duncanville Fieldhouse. All are encouraged to drop in anytime during the workshop to share your views on Duncanville’s challenges and opportunities.
October 5, 2024
The comprehensive plan is being led by a steering committee of residents, local business owners, City staff, and elected officials, who will utilize their knowledge of the Duncanville community to guide the planning process. In partnership with the Consultant Team, MRB Group, the steering committee will develop a comprehensive plan to advance Duncanville towards the future. The steering committee kicked off the planning process in September. The Kick-Off meeting included a review of the planning timeline and initial discussions on public engagement. Check base soon for more information on the City's public engagement plan and planning process timeline.
Check this page for updates on public workshops, forums, pop-ups, surveys, and other ways to get involved in Duncanville’s
comprehensive planning process.
Comprehensive Plan Mapping Tool
We want your feedback to better understand issues and opportunities facing the community. Try out our community mapping tool to highlight community amenities that you love and tag areas that need improvement. Check back soon once we launch the interactive mapping tool.
Public Workshop #1
Date: Monday, December 2nd, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Duncanville Fieldhouse
1700 S Main Street, Duncanville, TX 75137
Description: Public Workshop #1 for the comprehensive plan took place on Monday, December 2nd, 2024 from 6:00-8:00 pm at the Duncanville Fieldhouse. If you weren’t able to attend in person, you can review the workshop materials here and send your feedback to emma.falkenstein@mrbgroup.com by Wednesday, December 18th, 2024.
Community Survey
The City’s community survey is now live! Take the survey to share your thoughts about living and working in Duncanville. You can access the survey here. Hard copies are also available at City Hall.
Senior High School Survey
Youth engagement is a key part of comprehensive planning. If you’re a student who lives or attends school in Duncanville, we want to hear from you! Take the student survey here.
Public Workshop #2
Date: TBD, April, 2025
Time: TBD
Location: TBD
Description: Public Workshop #2 for the comprehensive plan will focus on gathering public feedback on draft plan elements, specifically the priority policy areas and action items recommended in the plan. This workshop will also be held via an open house style, so participants are invited to drop in any time from 6:00 - 8:00 pm to engage with the workshop materials and talk with steering committee members.